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Program Overview

CoRE Tech's educational program includes several different learning opportunities to educate corporate real estate professionals about best practices, state-of-the-art technologies and emerging trends in the industry. Our program consists of four session styles, including: 1) Domain Expert Presentations and Discussions, 2) Case Studies, 3) Tech Briefings and 4) Table Topic Conversations. These educational session styles help to facilitate an engaging environment for professional development and encourage attendees to connect with peers to explore new technologies and ideas.

Program content, dates and times subject to change without notice.

(Click here for TOUR details)

Tuesday | November 15

9:00 am - 12:00 pm
RE Tech Tours
CoRE Tech is pleased to offer two optional RE Tech Innovation Tours: Google’s Bay View Campus and LinkedIn’s Middlefield Campus.

Tours' registration is available to real estate and facilities professionals, consultants and service providers who are registered conference attendees. Each tour will have limited capacity and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

An additional $125 fee will apply at time of registration.

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12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
1:00 pm - 1:20 pm
Welcome and Introductions
Conference kick-off, welcome and introductions, a conference overview and a brief state-of-the-art industry update.

1:20 pm - 2:00 pm
Opening Session | The Corporate Real Estate Paradigm Shift: Navigating the Most Significant Changes in Modern History
Digital transformation was well under way with advanced communications redefining daily life, including work. When the pandemic hit, it accelerated new models for working, learning, shopping and more. Even though pre-pandemic life is returning, the lessons learned are here to stay. Long commutes, wasted time, climate action and other factors are forcing organizations to rethink how they use and operate space. How much (flexible) real estate is actually needed? How does technology support the experience? Improved digital collaboration, immersive space and advances in operational technology are changing the game. Realcomm's world-class co-chairs address these big issues in our opening segment.

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm
Design, Construction, Operations and Beyond: A Timely Conversation on DIGITAL TWINS at EY
Digital Twins are dynamic virtual representations of buildings for visualizing and managing the lifecycle of the physical structure, along with health, wellness and sustainability factors driven by how built environments are operated. This instructive case study explores EY’s integration of the WELL Building Certification into their Digital Twin, which significantly improves overall performance and helps address burgeoning demands related to ESG requirements.

2:20 pm - 3:00 pm
The Ever-Changing Portfolio: Creating a Modern CRE ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
Due diligence for transactions, leasing and accounting processes, and even the smallest detail of a maintenance request depends on an inordinate number of applications that generate troves of data daily. The crporate real estate tech stack must rely on technology and an architecture that connects all relevant information while eliminating redundant data. IWMS, data warehouses and lakes, open APIs, as well as integrated point solutions are just a few of the technology decisions to be considered. This valuable session presents best practices and explores the strengths and opportunities of a modern corporate real estate digital enterprise architecture.

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Afternoon Networking Break
3:30 pm - 3:50 pm
Tech Briefing | Enabling IoT in Buildings: An Industry Update on SENSOR Technologies
As real estate and workplace operations continue to become more data driven, occupancy sensors have emerged as a key area of focus. Sensor technologies have developed at a blistering pace over the past five years and often, inflated product promises complicate the selection and implementation process. In this fast-paced presentation, we provide a data-rich and actionable presentation about the state of the occupancy sensor market, future trends, and how to make an informed purchasing decision.

3:50 pm - 4:35 pm
RETURN TO OFFICE: Can Tech and innovation Make the Commute Worthwhile?
Suggested topics for small group discussion:
  1. What are the essential elements of an RTO strategy that must be present to gain wide adoption among all employees?
  2. What functionality within tenant applications should be considered: a) must have; b) nice to have; c) not necessary
  3. Under what circumstances is it appropriate for CRE senior executives to limit remote work and set the standard that all employees will return to the office every weekday?
  4. (Bonus question) Do you think that some CRE companies are reluctantly spending money on technology, innovation, and workplace restructuring due to peer pressure from other companies and executives?

4:35 pm - 4:55 pm
Experimenting with the Future: ORACLE INNOVATION LAB CASE STUDY
The Oracle Innovation Lab enables organizations to explore transformative tools via hands-on interaction with connected devices, autonomous vehicles, drones, AR, visualization, AI tools and other developing technologies. This simulated connected worksite empowers visitors with data insights and performance measures so they can experiment and drive better outcomes for their own projects and investments.

4:55 pm - 5:30 pm
Designing a Tech Enabled Workplace: Driving the Digital OCCUPANT EXPERIENCE
Creating engaging and frictionless work-from-anywhere experiences for employees is more important than ever and technology plays an essential role in defining the meaningful user experience. These technology implementations include sensor technologies that enable responsive environments; tenant apps, collaboration technologies and immersive environments that enhance onsite and offsite engagement; a solid data architecture; and network and telecommunication infrastructures that empower employees to access information from anywhere. This session explores some of the most innovative and creative approaches to creating impactful employee experiences and presents digital technology case studies.

5:30 pm - 5:50 pm
NextGen Information Management: IWMS, API and APPLICATION INTEGRATION
Rapidly evolving use cases are requiring more efficient data and applications integrations with core IWMS platforms. In this illuminating session, we’ll explore a case study from a large international corporate real estate owner and learn how they leveraged the low-code Service Now application platform (LCAP) and API integration with multiple data sources into Nuvolo, and realized savings and efficiencies to the FM Service Delivery Model.

5:50 pm - 6:20 pm
Kilroy Takes the Lead: Deploying PHYSICAL SECURITY EQUIPMENT at SCALE
Deploying physical equipment at scale can increase security threats, since equipment such as cameras, readers, access control panels, etc., can be exploited faster than they can be patched. In this enlightening case study, we explore how Kilroy and partner, Ollivier Corp, are vetting solution manufacturers. The presenters also share some of the exploits discovered during their due diligence.

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Networking & Cocktail Reception
Network with colleagues, catch up with old friends and enjoy hors d’oeuvres and libations at the end of the first day. You’ll also have an opportunity to meet our Technology Solution Provider partners and explore the latest CRE products and services in the EXPO area.

Wednesday | November 16

8:30 am - 8:35 am
Welcome & Introductions Day Two
8:35 am - 8:55 am
AECOM's Call to Decarbonize: Unpacking Tech's Role in Both NEW & RETROFIT CONSTRUCTION
Managing carbon reduction throughout the building lifecycle is a herculean task. Consider all the potential inputs (including parent-child relationships) that determine the impact of embodied carbon in the multitude of processes necessary for redeveloping a brownfield site. In this session we examine how AECOM has incorporated their ScopeX platform to monitor and manage decarbonization in large-scale projects.

8:55 am - 9:40 am
Tech and Innovation in Uncertain Times: Occupancy Impact on TECH BUDGETS
Suggested topics for small group discussion:
  1. What impact will occupancy rates, inflation and business slow-down have on corporate real estate technology budgets in the next 12-18 months?
  2. How do you support innovation-led growth while cutting costs, driving productivity and implementing safety and well-being measures in your buildings?
  3. Which critical innovation practices can help corporate real estate leverage new opportunities and adapt their technology roadmaps to successfully navigate occupancy uncertainty?

9:40 am - 10:05 am
Tech Briefing | COLLABORATION DESTINATIONS: Elevating the Office Experience to the Next Level
Both landlords and occupiers are struggling now to create workplace environments that magnetically attract employees to want to spend more time in the office. But we’ve discovered that as compelling as these nextgen workplaces can be, often employees find themselves in their office taking Zoom meetings all day. Why bother coming to the office then? What if those hybrid meetings and collaborative interactions could feel like the remote attendees are actually “live” in the room? In this session, we explore technologies that are available today that provide that extraordinary human-to-human hybrid experiences.

10:05 am - 10:35 am
Morning Networking Break
10:35 am - 11:00 am
Tech Briefing | Leveraging the MULTIVERSE with AEC Computational Design with Corporate Real Estate Facilities
AR and VR tools are being used to help immerse real estate clients in proposed spaces, allow collaboration with multiple remote stakeholders, and to simulate building performance and complex scenario analysis. The Multiverse enhances the design process by making it possible to collaborate, alter and refine design specifications in real-time with high precision. In this session, we explore how Zaha Hadid is leveraging the Multiverse for architectural applications that can also be applied to future building operations.

11:00 am - 11:30 am
Power over Ethernet and Digital Electricity: Why Is No One Talking About LOW VOLTAGE BUILDINGS?
Digital electricity promises safe transmission of electricity (at high levels or long distances) using data cables to digitally control high-tech electronic devices. It takes Power over Ethernet (PoE) to an entirely new level. Although AC is currently the standard, several PoE-powered projects have proven that low voltage DC systems are significantly less expensive and provide more flexibility. Despite these benefits - and the current push for reducing carbon emissions in buildings - there is very little discussion on low voltage buildings. This session examines the possibilities of delivering PoE and highlights the best performing case studies.

11:30 am - 11:50 am
Defining the Modern, Digital, Flexible Workplace: ACCENTURE NYC HQ CASE STUDY
There’s a lot of buzz about the future of work and hybrid, but what does that really look like? Accenture has been redefining the hybrid workplace experience for over a quarter of a century and their NYC Innovation Hub is the culmination of decades of research and experience. In this exciting case study, we explore the strategy and future-proof design behind their One Manhattan West HQ.

11:50 am - 12:30 pm
DATA, DATA, DATA: Developing a Comprehensive Strategy for Sensors and People
Given the recent impacts on office density, building operators are looking for comprehensive digital solutions - IoT and sensors, in particular - to efficiently run a healthy, safe, sustainable building that is well-positioned to thrive. Investing in a full-sensored work environment increases efficiency - but making sense of the data provided is more difficult. This session examines different approaches to successfully utilizing sensor and people analytics data, discusses pros and cons of specific sensor technologies, and addresses potential liability concerns surrounding sensor technologies at the workplace.

12:30 pm - 1:15 pm
1:15 pm - 1:30 pm
ChinaTech and the Implications for the Built Environment
It is abundantly clear that the United States and China are moving in the direction of an extraordinary competitive battle for technology dominance in the 21st century. The tech targets range from AI, defense and biotech to next generation telecommunication platforms, i.e. 5G and beyond. Given that the United States has been the global leader in technology for the better part of the last century and has realized the resulting benefits, the stakes could not be higher. The built environment, including critical infrastructure, data centers, corporate campuses, warehouses, offices, retail, industrial, manufacturing and more, will all be part of this next generation smart building ecosystem. In this session, Warren Wilson, Director for Economy for the newly formed Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP) - which Dr. Eric Schmidt (Google’s former chairman) founded and chairs - shares SCSP's vision to strengthen America’s long-term competitiveness for a future where emerging technologies reshape our national security, economy and society.

1:30 pm - 2:10 pm
The Future of Teams and Zoom: Are Online COLLABORATION PLATFORMS CRE's Friend, Foe or Both?
Since most employees have gained confidence in using virtual meeting and collaboration technologies, many question the need for physical workplaces. While virtual platforms eliminated the requirement for all-onsite employees, many proponents of physical office spaces say onsite attendance encourages collaboration and sparks creativity. Some companies have instated strict return to office policies, while others are exploring hybrid workplace options. What is the purpose of the workplace today? What is the role of online platforms? This timely session explores how physical space and online platforms best co-exist and addresses issues such as “virtual fatigue” and productivity.

2:10 pm - 2:25 pm
Tech Briefing | Keeping Connected Buildings Safe: A Built Environment CYBER UPDATE
With the ever-increasing number of managed and unmanaged entry points to building systems, building owners and operators face unique challenges associated with securing BMS, as well as other IoT devices in their facilities. This informative tech briefing reviews the threat landscape for the built environment and cyber best practices for OT systems.

2:25 pm - 3:00 pm
Smart Building Strategy: A Path to a Seamless BUILDING OPERATING SYSTEM
As we reoccupy buildings, we must re-evaluate traditional building operations and maintenance processes. Intelligent building technologies must balance operating costs against the new occupants’ experience and data-driven risk management scenarios. This session analyzes design, development and strategic management of the next generation, high-performance, adaptive, IoT-connected facilities and portfolios. Panelists share perspectives for planning and executing an adaptive and future-ready smarter building strategy, best practices for the network architecture design, wired and wireless building backbones and cybersecurity fundamentals.

3:00 pm - 3:25 pm
Tech Briefing | CONSTRUCTION AUTOMATION: Transformational Tools for Tech Enabled Buildings
Robots are making their way on to construction jobsites as a new class of tool that leverages building information model data and brings automation into hazardous working conditions. However, finding and testing the right technologies among the tsunami of new solutions requires a balanced framework that aligns with strategic goals and the right opportunities. Two robotic systems are showcased to highlight both opportunistic and strategic innovation that bring an added level of quality and productivity never seen before.

3:25 pm - 3:40 pm
Afternoon Break
3:40 pm - 4:15 pm
ESG is Everywhere: Does Anybody Really Know What a COMPREHENSIVE STRATEGY Looks Like?
The corporate world has embraced ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives, especially since investors increasingly use ESG metrics to calibrate a company’s value, sustainability, and ultimate impact on society. Defining and setting a course to meet decarbonization, electrification, diversity, equity and inclusion requires a cohesive plan and alignment among stakeholders. To actualize ESG targets, companies must measure, monitor and manage a complex variety of inputs to evaluate and rank their ESG metrics. Several scorecards and best practices have been developed and are continually evolving. This useful session examines digital tools, data, metrics and reporting methods available and explores how to prioritize and employ them successfully.

4:15 pm - 4:40 pm
Tech Briefing | The Future is WIRELESS: Understanding Where 5G, WIFI, DAS and CBRS Fit in Corporate Real Estate
Advancements in wireless technology have fundamentally changed the way we communicate and engage. This next generation of wireless technologies is positioned to transform the wireless landscape even further. This tech briefing provides valuable insights on 5G, WIFI, DAS & CBRS and examines their role for corporate real estate.

4:40 pm - 5:30 pm
The FUTURE OF WORK: Understanding the Trajectories of Both Buildings and Technology
The floor is open for spirited commentary and debate during this large group discussion . We explore a wide range of topics from net-zero carbon mandates, to ESG rating systems, workspace restructuring, the metaverse, and more. Join in the conversation with your experiences, future speculations, and potential conspiracy theories!