Page 7 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 7

“The key to making good technology decisions is
          engaged with Real Estate departments to help   accelerated collaboration with peers and thought leaders.
          them with their process improvement.        Learning quickly from others’ mistakes and identifying
            The key to making good technology decisions
          is accelerated collaboration with peers and   good solutions with strong management teams that can
          thought leaders. Learning quickly from others’   meet both tactical and strategic objectives is the goal.”
          mistakes and identifying good solutions with
          strong management teams that can meet both tactical and stra-  collaboration when it comes to technology, automation and
          tegic objectives is the goal. The task is too much for one person   innovation in the Corporate Real Estate and Facilities industry. At
          (or even one Real Estate department) to deal with. Given the   this event, you will find a concentration of experienced thought
          velocity of the change we are experiencing, collaboration is one   leaders moving the industry forward, sharing their insights,
          of the most effective weapons.                         successes and challenges. If you are interested or involved with
            Now in its eighth year, CoRE Tech is one of the best environ-  Corporate Real Estate and technology, don’t miss CoRE Tech
          ments to experience this type of thoughtful, authentic peer   2017 in Silicon Valley this November.

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